
Signature Abilities

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Saying goodbye to her father, after years of searching and turmoil, was a bittersweet moment for Mei. Together, the group took Dahai's body back with them to the Material Plane where Mei said a few words, sharing the exciting moments in her life that she had never had the chance to tell him in life.
She then joined Owynn, Barryl, and Tili in their efforts to support the Lords' Alliance with cleaning up the world and dealing with the major threats still plaguing the realm.
With her journey finally at an end, she endeavoured to return home, most notably to find her mother Lian. After Tili and Barryl parted ways with them, Mei and Owynn found themselves travelling together to her hometown far away to the North-East of Faerûn. There, a close relationship began to blossom.
After a short time together, Owynn departed, but Mei remained with her mother. With the wealth gathered throughout her adventures, Mei convinced her mother to go travelling outside of the comfort of their forest to the land of Shou Lung, to discover a new culture and enjoy life together, far away.
A few years of peace and security pass and Mei has started to get itchy feet. Shortly after, she found herself in Athkatla, looking for familiar faces... there, she would be whisked away on another adventure, this time to look for Ciel...